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Strategic wealth planning. It encompasses much more than just investing.

Wealth. It's the comfort that comes from knowing with certainty that everything is in place to ensure the aspirations you have for you, your family, and the causes you care most about will be realized, even if you can't be there yourself to see them through.

Consider what really keeps you awake nights:

  • I feel overwhelmed by my student loan debt. How will I ever pay it off?
  • I know even in residency I should be planning for the future, but I don't know where to begin.
  • Who will have custody of my children should something happen to me?
  • How can I be certain the assets I've left behind for my family are adequate and will be used according to my wishes?
  • What's our potential exposure if our housekeeper is injured on our property?
  • Our son is in the middle of a messy divorce. How do we make sure his inheritance isn't at risk?
  • One of the partners wants to retire. Have we adequately funded our buy-sell agreements, or will I need to use my personal savings to buy her out?
  • One of my friends was seriously injured in a car accident and is unable to work. What if the same thing happened to me?
  • Our teenage son just injured someone in a car accident. It may cost us everything.
  • My mother is getting to the point where she'll need in-home care. I may need to fund the $70,000 annual outlay myself.
  • Most of my net worth is tied up in my business. Will my heirs have the liquidity to pay estate taxes and avoid a fire sale of the business I spent a lifetime building?
  • Are my children mature enough to responsibly inherit the wealth I've accumulated? What are my options?
  • Is there some way to increase the amount of tax-deferred savings I can put away beyond what I'm limited to in my SEP IRA?

Physicians' Financial is committed to helping graduating and experienced medical, dental, legal, and business professionals build true wealth for themselves and their families. If this is the kind of wealth advisory relationship you're looking for, we invite you to learn more.